Technology and Research

    We are permanently committed to technological development, within our focus on offering the highest quality in all products. We have several digital and automation applications in production processes, which strengthens our efficiency – with high productivity, efficient controls and quality of management, always within our commitment to the implementation of sustainable processes.

    Operação e Manejo de Água

    For the increasingly efficient use of water resources, we manage water consumption with the application of software and support instruments. This allows us to: simulate the level of water and electricity applied in plantations and in agro-industry processes; store rainfall history data; control irrigation programming and indicators; analyze the cost of irrigated millimeter; and generate end-of-season reports.

    Para isso, utilizamos pluviômetros digitais, hidrômetros com telemetria e sensores de umidade do solo e realizamos ainda uma avaliação contínua dos níveis de aplicação de água. Essas ferramentas, alinhadas ao monitoramento que realizamos em tempo real do consumo e da demanda energética, permitem que armazenemos dados de forma remota em nosso Centro de Operações de Irrigação (COI). Também podemos, de modo automático, acionar ou desligar (em caso de chuva) o sistema e fiscalizar, em tempo real, a vazão bombeada em cada estação dos rios e dos poços artesianos de onde a água é retirada. Desse modo, garantimos a sustentabilidade e a vazão ecológica adequada para os rios e poços, mantemos a transparência – com dados que estão disponíveis para as entidades fiscalizadoras –, além de diminuirmos os custos de manutenção.

    High Precision Agriculture

    With the processes and technology implemented in the operation, we adopt methods that help us increase productivity and eliminate competition between plants in agricultural practices.

    Through the concept of high precision agriculture and the practice of shutting down line by line, we manage the entire length of the production field, so that we can do pest control, monitor growth and productivity throughout the length of the plantation, reduce production costs and avoid losses in the planting lines, especially in trim and edge areas.

    In addition, these practices provide reduction of CO² emissions, lower use of water/hectare in production, savings in the volume of seeds used in plantations, and increased use of biological insums and natural enemies.


    ABR Program (Responsible Brazilian Cotton) and BCI Process (Better Cotton Initiative)

    The Brazilian Responsible Cotton (ABR) program of the Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers (Abrapa) aims to promote the most sustainable production of cotton in the country, with the progressive evolution of good social, environmental and economic practices within the cotton market.

    The program seeks to constantly improve the sustainable management of production units. To do so, it has the BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) licensing, a certification process that grants the Better Cotton marketing license according to evaluation criteria related to good practices.

    Aliança da Terra

    To assist in harmonizing agricultural production with the environment, the Earth Alliance program focuses on fighting forest fires, managing nature reserves and/or protecting endangered species.

    Agro Plus

    Created in 2011, through a joint initiative of the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE) and the Association of Soybean and Corn Producers of the State of Mato Grosso (APROSOJA-MT), Agro Plus is an economic, social and environmental management program of Brazilian agribusiness.

    Practical, inclusive and applicable, it is aimed at promoting sustainability in agribusiness chains, assisting rural producers in the management of their enterprise, focusing primarily on labor relations, health and safety at work, the environment and rural constructions. In addition, it propagates good practices in agricultural production, making agribusiness chains more sustainable.


    Solo Vivo Program:

    We seek to improve soil conservation actions. With the use of cover plants, we work to ensure sustainable decompression, through the application of biological inums that enhance our results.
